Blog - October 2023

Unlocking the World of Characters

31 October 2023

In the vast realm of letters, words, and language, the underlying foundation that allows us to communicate across diverse scripts, languages, and writing systems is often taken for granted. This foundation is none other than Unicode and character encoding. This blog article will take you on a fascinating journey through the world of Unicode and character encoding, explorin...


The Art of Translation and Interpretation

26 October 2023

In an increasingly interconnected and multicultural world, translation and interpretation play a vital role in breaking down language barriers and facilitating global communication. These essential linguistic arts go beyond mere word-for-word rendering, as they require a deep understanding of culture, context, and intent. In this blog article, we will embark on a captivati...


A Quick Look At Language Families

24 October 2023

Language is the cornerstone of human civilization, a tool that connects us across time and geography. But have you ever wondered how the languages we speak today are related to each other? The answer lies in the fascinating world of language families. Join us on a linguistic journey as we unravel the rich tapestry of human communication.


Grapholinguists: Masters of Written Language

19 October 2023

Language is a powerful tool, a bridge that connects people, cultures, and ideas. While spoken language is the most common form of communication, it's the written word that allows us to preserve and convey knowledge across time and space. And at the heart of this intricate world of written language lies a fascinating discipline: grapholinguistics.


The Diversity of Human Expression

17 October 2023

Writing is a powerful tool that transcends borders and time, allowing us to communicate and record our thoughts and experiences. While alphabetic scripts like the Roman alphabet are commonly used in many parts of the world, they represent only a fraction of the rich tapestry of human writing systems. In this exploration, we delve into the fascinating world of non-alphabeti...


A Journey Through the History of Writing Systems

12 October 2023

From the earliest cave paintings to the digital text on your screen, writing systems have been a fundamental part of human communication and civilization. They are a testament to the power of symbols and the human capacity for innovation. Join us on a journey through time as we explore the fascinating history of writing systems.


Crafting Language from Imagination

10 October 2023

Language is a wondrous aspect of human culture and communication, reflecting the richness and diversity of our world. But what happens when linguists, writers, and enthusiasts decide to invent their own languages, complete with unique scripts? Welcome to the captivating realm of constructed scripts and languages, where creativity knows no bounds.


A World Tour of Letters

5 October 2023

Alphabets, the building blocks of written language, have an incredible history and diversity around the world. From the elegant curves of the Latin alphabet to the intricate characters of Chinese script, alphabets reflect the rich tapestry of human culture and communication. In this blog article, we'll embark on a captivating journey through alphabets used around the world...


Exolinguistics: Communicating with Extraterrestrial Intelligence

3 October 2023

In the quest to understand the cosmos and our place in it, humanity has always been intrigued by the possibility of intelligent life beyond Earth. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) has expanded beyond the hunt for radio signals and into the realm of language and communication. Exolinguistics, a fascinating and emerging field, delves into the study of hypo...